Edu Trust Education Loan
Edu Trust Education Loan
With the growing demand for higher education, particularly abroad, the number of students seeking education loans has surged dramatically in the past two decades. This increase is driven by the rising costs of quality education overseas. Today, numerous lenders offer education loans tailored to meet the financial needs of students. Education loans are available for students pursuing studies both in India and abroad. However, the requirements and conditions for these loans differ based on whether the student is studying domestically or internationally.
Documents Required
Applicants submit the following documents: For Studying Abroad: Mark sheet of the last qualifying examination for school and graduate studies in India Proof of admission to the course Schedule of expenses for the course Copy of scholarship confirmation letter (if any) Copy of Foreign Exchange permit (if available) Two passport-sized photographs Statement of the borrower’s bank account for the last six months Income Tax assessment order (not older than two years) Brief statement of borrower’s assets and liabilities Proof of identity and residence (if not a customer of the lending bank) For Studying in India: SSC, HSC, or Graduation mark sheets (as applicable) KYC (Know Your Customer) documents Age proof Signature proof Identity proof Residence proof Application form and photographs Income documents of parents/guardian Collaterals in the form of Fixed Deposits (FDs) or immovable property
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet the following criteria: The applicant must be an Indian National. The applicant should be between 18 to 35 years of age. Secured admission to professional/technical courses in recognized institutions in India. Co-borrower(s) such as parents, spouse, or guardians are required for the loan. Engineering, Medical, Graduation, post-graduation, and professional courses in recognized institutions. Courses conducted by colleges/universities approved by UGC/Government/AICTE/AIBMS/ICMR, etc. Courses offered by premier institutions in India. Admission to Professional/Technical courses must be through Entrance Test/Selection process. No minimum qualifying marks are stipulated in the last qualifying examination.

Shree Patan Jain Mandal Education Loan
Shree Patan Jain Mandal Mumbai
Education Loan
31 December

United Way Of Baroda Education Loan
United Way Of Baroda Foundation
Education Loan
31 December

Goa Interest Free Education Loan
Goa Education Development Corporation (GEDC)
Education Loan
28 February

Student Credit Card Free Loan Scheme
The Department Of Higher Education, Govt. Of West Bengal
₹ 10,00,000
31 December

Paras Education Services Education Loan
Paras Education Services
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Jain Jagruti Charitable Trust Education Loan
Jain Jagruti Charitable Trust
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Zalawadi Sabha Charitable Foundation Education Loan
Zalawadi Sabha Charitable Foundation
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Edu Trust Education Loan
Edu Trust
₹ 7,50,000
31 December
Professional courses

Shree Patan Jain Mandal Education Loan
Shree Patan Jain Mandal Mumbai
Education Loan
31 December

United Way Of Baroda Education Loan
United Way Of Baroda Foundation
Education Loan
31 December

Goa Interest Free Education Loan
Goa Education Development Corporation (GEDC)
Education Loan
28 February

Student Credit Card Free Loan Scheme
The Department Of Higher Education, Govt. Of West Bengal
₹ 10,00,000
31 December

Paras Education Services Education Loan
Paras Education Services
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Jain Jagruti Charitable Trust Education Loan
Jain Jagruti Charitable Trust
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Zalawadi Sabha Charitable Foundation Education Loan
Zalawadi Sabha Charitable Foundation
Education Loan
31 December
Professional courses

Edu Trust Education Loan
Edu Trust
₹ 7,50,000
31 December
Professional courses
List of Benefits
Education loans generally cover: Tuition fees Examination, library, laboratory, and hostel fees Costs for books, equipment, instruments, and uniforms Travel expenses (for study abroad) Caution money and refundable deposits Study tours, exchange programs, and project work
General Criterias
How To Apply
Follow the below steps to apply for the program: 1. Visit Our Official Website. 2. Read carefully all the information about the program details. 3. Click on the "Register" to complete the registration with required details. 4. After successful registration, Use the received credentials to log into your account. 5. Once logged in, Click on the "Apply" button. 6. You will be directed to the application form. Fill in all the required details accurately. 7. Before submitting, review all the information you have provided. 8. After that, Click on the "Submit” button to submit your application. Note: "As a free user," →'You're encouraged to share this valuable information with your friends to access the link properly'.
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With the growing demand for higher education, particularly abroad, the number of students seeking education loans has surged dramatically in the past two decades. This increase is driven by the rising costs of quality education overseas. Today, numerous lenders offer education loans tailored to meet the financial needs of students. Education loans are available for students pursuing studies both in India and abroad. However, the requirements and conditions for these loans differ based on whether the student is studying domestically or internationally.